The Three Best Rated® 50-point Inspection Explained - Part 4

by - Monday, July 08, 2019

Welcome back to the Three Best Rated® 50-point inspection explained - Part 4! Here's part 1, part 2, or part 3 if you missed them.

You might notice as you continue to read on, but the next two categories are typically applicable to everyone. These two deal with the good (awards) and the bad (complaints).

Let's discuss our seventh category: Awards

Awards has three sub-categories
  1. Awards History - Consecutive awards in their area of business
    • This refers to any particular award the business receives consecutively
      • This is applicable to every business! While the awards may change from business type to business type, the acknowledgement doesn't!
Receiving an award for years in a row shows a pattern of excellence no matter who you are!
  1. Multiple Awards - Awards from a variety of sources
    • This refers to the variety of awards a business receives
      • Again this is applicable to everyone. As discussed above the nature of the awards may change, but the acknowledgment doesn't.
Receiving different types of awards shows that many different organizations agree on one thing - your business is pretty darn great!
  1. Achievements - Endorsements and honors
    • Achievements refers to the number of rewards received by the business
      • This is applicable to all businesses!
The more awards a company receives the better. It shows a large amount of people agree that the business deserves awards!

Next is our eighth category: Complaints

Complaints is made up of 4 sub-categories
  1. Three Best Rated Complaints - Complaints received by Three Best Rated
    • Every now and then we receive complaints about a business. We do encourage everyone to let us know their thoughts on a business, good or bad. This helps us refine our list and keep it accurate. Of course, we do our due diligence to ensure that every review we receive is accurate.
      • As is the running theme, this applies to everyone.
When we receive a complaint we will ask for permission to share it with the business (with all personal information removed, of course) so they have a chance to address the complaint and are made aware of the feedback. The response is evaluated in the next sub-category.
  1. Response from Owner - The response to the complaints above
    • When given permission, the complaints from the sub-category above is given to the owner. The owner now has the chance to respond to the complaints. Their response will be evaluated and noted here.
      • This applies to everyone.
There's no right or wrong way to respond to the complaints. We suggest responding however you feel is right for you and your business. Please understand that these complaints aren't made by Three Best Rated, but by customers.
  1. Fake Complaints - Complaints that are well, fake.
    • Complaints received from competitors, customers who misidentify the business, dissatisfied employees or business partners typically are fake complaints.
      • This is applicable to all businesses.
Fake complaints are typically identified by business owners during this process. Fake complaints are not rated, but are noted and filed. They are not held against the business.
  1. Lawsuits - Lawsuits the business is involved in and the outcome
    • When evaluating lawsuits we take into account the nature and outcome of the suit. When deemed appropriate, the lawsuit will result in the immediate removal of the business from our list.
      • This applies to everyone.
When evaluating lawsuits we take into account the nature of the case, the defendant and prosecutor, and the outcome of the case in order to make any decisions regarding the removal of the business.

Stay tuned for the Three Best Rated® 50-point inspection explained - Part 5!

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