The Three Best Rated® 50-point Inspection Explained - Part 5

by - Friday, July 12, 2019

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Three Best Rated® 50-point inspection explained - Part 5! Here's part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 if you haven't read them yet. Without any further ado, let's jump right in! 

Let's start on our ninth category: Reviews

Reviews has 9 sub-categories
  1. Legitimate Ratings - The legitimacy of the ratings and reviews from customers
    • We want to ensure we are only considering real reviews. Three Best Rated has systems in place to detect fake reviews. They are then thrown out.
      • This applies to all businesses!
A real review needs to be from a real person about a real business and a real service.
  1. Current Evaluation - The recent ratings and reviews from customers
    • Older reviews are usually not as relevant. This is why we look at more recent ratings! Of course, we would like to see recent positive reviews.
      • This is applicable for all businesses!
Reviews are one of the only ways customers can provide the business (and other customers) feedback on their experience. We want to see recent positive reviews.
  1. Fake Reviews - The prevalence and frequency of fake reviews as well as the type (positive or negative)
    • Nobody likes fake reviews. Businesses don't like fake reviews. Customers don't like fake reviews. A large amount of fake reviews will result in less points being awarded.
      • This is applicable for all businesses.
Seriously, no one wants to see fake reviews! #endfakereviews2k19
  1. Reviewer's Info - Reviewer's identity and history
    • Reviewer's information (profile picture, name, history, etc.) should be real.
      • This applies to all businesses.
This is a part of Three Best Rated's commitment to due diligence. We want to ensure that the reviews are real and are made from real people.
  1. Reviews Study - the spread of reviews throughout the years
    • A consistent spread of reviews throughout a long period of time shows repeated and sustained interest in the business.
      • This is applicable for all businesses!
We look for reviews to be spread across the operating years with no sporadic reviews and ideally increasing in number as the business increases in popularity
  1. Responsiveness - The quality and responsiveness of the response to customer feedback
    • Most review sites allow for business owners to respond to the reviews they receive. The way a business owner responds is telling to how they value their customers.
      • This is, as before, applicable for all businesses!
At Three Best Rated, we are not going to tell you how to respond to customer reviews. A business should take into account their mission statement and respond how they feel is right by the business.
  1. Negative Reviews - The amount of negative reviews
    • A business will never be able to satisfy everyone. There will always exist at least one negative review. However, if the majority of the reviews are negative, that isn't a good sign (unless your this guy)
      • This is applicable to all businesses
A large amount of negative reviews shows that the majority of the customers are not satisfied with the services they are receiving. We want to list business that customers want and like going to!
  1. Review Analysis - Analysis of the detailed reviews from customers about their experience
    • We do a detailed analysis of all the reviews (both positive and negative) with the fake reviews thrown out to determine how customers feel about the business and the general feedback.
      • This is applicable to all business.
This category takes into account information about the business owner(s), how the customer was treated, the general atmosphere... basically everything other than the service they received.  All business (even doctors) are reviewed and we at Three Best Rated want to find out exactly what the customers like or dislike about each business!
  1. Reviews Accuracy - The detailed reviews from customers about the unique services they received
    • This is a detailed analysis of the reviews over the unique services the customers have received.
      • This is applicable to all businesses, however for doctors, customers typically will not reveal the exact service they have received.
We want to know if customers liked or disliked the unique services they have received from the business. Clients of doctors usually don't want to reveal to countless strangers their private medical procedures so they don't typically share this information. However, if they do it is taken into account as well.

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